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Booksale Second Semester

January 29, 2024 @ 08:00 - February 18, 2024 @ 23:59

With the beginning of the second semester approaching quickly, it is time for our biyearly bulkwekenbook sale! As always, Athenaeum Boekhandel will provide your study material with a 15% discount on English books if you are a member of the Study Association Etcetera.
The book sale will be organised in bulkweken. These weeks will take place until Sunday 18th of February. During this time, you will be able to buy your books with a 15% discount. Afterwards, you can of course still place orders at Athenaeum, but with a 10% discount.
This year the book sale will take a different form from the previous years. Everyone just comes to the store, where they have everything in large piles. You do not need any prior reservation.
The steps for getting your books are therefore as follows:
    1. Make sure you are a member of Etcetera. If you are not a member you can go to this link to sign up and be eligible for the discount.
    2. Go to Athenaeum Boekhandel at Spui, where your books will be ready and you will receive an Etcetera discount. The compulsory literature is not available at other locations, so you can only pick it up at Spui!!
    3. Present your membership and receive a 15% discount on foreign books during this period (and 10% for the rest of the year, with the discount code you received in your email).

If you have any further questions about the upcoming semester, feel free to contact us, as we will be happy to help!


January 29, 2024 @ 08:00
February 18, 2024 @ 23:59


Athenaeum Boekhandel & Nieuwscentrum
Spui 14-16
Amsterdam, 1012 XA Netherlands
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