New Spot For Monthly Drinks

Great news! Etcetera has found a spot for her monthly drinks! From now on our drinks will be held at Café De Ster. It’s at walking distance from Bungehuis, PC Hoofthuis and Central Station and here’s something that makes it really interesting: as a member of Etcetera you only pay €1,70 for a beer! The next drinks are this Thursday, the 24th of November, at 5 pm. Be there or

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Newsletter November On Line

You can now find the newsletter for November under ‘Files’ > ‘Etcetetera’. Or click here to download the newletter directly in PDF

Member Weekend: Sign Up Now!

In January 2012, Etcetera is organising her very first Member Weekend. Nineteen of you have already unofficially signed up for this, but the time has now come to officially tell us that you are dying to come with us next year! Before you do so, you of course want to know a little more about our plans. So here’s the deal: Date: 17-19 January, 2012 Place: Lievelde Damage: € 60

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Constitutieborrel tomorrow!

After two weeks of studying, it is time for a beer! Join us tomorrow for drinks @ CREA Café, 5 pm sharp. This time we have not only invited our members but also the boards from other students’ associations to help celebrate the fact that Etcetera is up and running again! Bring your friends and your party mood and we hope to see you there!

New pages: Member Weekend & Book Club

We have added two new pages to the website: Member Weekend (under Events) and Book Club! On both pages, you will find e-forms that you can use to sign up for the Book Club and/or to tell us that you want to be updated about the Member Weekend. Of course we have also added some shiny buttons to the front page to make navigating this website even more convenient. So

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First Newsletter Online

The first issue of our monthly newsletter can be found in the Files section of the website. Click here and the October edition opens automatically in a new window or tab or download the PDF file by right-clicking the link and then click “Save link as”/”Link opslaan als”.


Our second edition of the monthly drinks! Come join us, meet new people, celebrate the fact that reading week is over and finally buy the girl you’ve been staring at in TV1 class a drink! Same time, same place as last month: CREA Café near the Oudemanhuispoort. Also, this is our official ‘constitutieborrel’, so the new Etcetera board will officially be introduced to the members. We’d love to see you

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First Drinks

The first Etcetera drink of many to come: Meet your fellow students and have a drink together! Our first drink will be held at CREA Café, which is close to Central Station so everyone will be able to stumble their way home easily afterwards or if you don’t want to go home but would like a taste of the Amsterdam nightlife, a few of us will be going to Paradiso for

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Minutes ALV and Registration Form Online

You can now find the minutes of the Algemene Ledenvergadering here (Files > Etcetera) and from the same page, you can download the registration form. There is also a special Become a Member section in the left sidebar and a registration e-form will be added to the website soon.

P-party: order your tickets now!

Dear members, party people. You will all have heard of the P-party, to be held on the 6th of October at Club 8, Amsterdam. It’s going to be an awesome night and you should all come because you do not want to miss this! Click here to order your tickets!