Wanted: New Board

Today is the day to send in your board applications and to make yourself part of the new board 2014-2014. If you are that person, you’ll find that you’ll learn a lot, have a great thing to add to your resume, that you’ll receive a fair ‘board scholarship’ for all the work you do throughout the year, and, most importantly, that you’ll have a lot of fun in all of

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Pubquiz march 20th

Hello Everybody! Together with our sister associations in Nijmegen, Utrecht and Leiden we are organising a pubquiz. The theme this time will be: SUPERHEROES! It is promising to be a very entertaining night. Don’t forget to sign up (preferably in teams) by sending an email to studievereniging.etc@gmail.com before sunday 16th. Hope to see you all on the 20th

Film Screening: Pulp Fiction

Hello everybody! This month Etcetera will be showing the incredibly classic Pulp Fiction in collaboration with the Amsterdam Americanist Society. If you sign up before wednesday you will get a free drink from us but don’t feel shy to bring your own. So go to the Facebook event, click “aanwezig” and hopefully we will see you thursday at 19.00.

Ice skating

Hello everybody! Feel like getting active before the drinks? Want to feel like you REALLY deserved that beer? Come ice skating at the Jaap Edenbaan beforehand! Thursday we’ll meet at the Jaap Eden baan at 16:00 where we’ll enjoy some slipping and sliding until 18:00. Tickets are €5,40 for students so make sure you bring your student card. You can bring your own skates or rent them; you need a

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Order your books

Hello everybody! Last week the book sale for the second semester started. You can order your books until the 28th of January on http://sv.athenaeum.nl/ From now on it is 18% off in the English section instead of 15%!!!!! Don’t forget to order your books The Etcetera board

Memberweekend 2014

Coming Wednesday (December 11) from 1pm you can sign up for the memberweekend that takes place Friday 7 to Monday 10 February 2014! We’ll go to Broek in Waterland for 3 nights and fun, food and booze is included in the price of only 78,-. It is only a short ride by bus, but we expect you to use your OV! Join us on this fun weekend between, goats, sheep,

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Kerstgala 2013

Hii everybody! This year Etcetera organized a Kerstgala together with some pretty awesome studieverenigingen van Geesteswetenschappen. There are only a few tickets left so if you want to go send an email to studievereniging.etc@gmail.com as soon as possible!! Hope to see y’all there

December Sinterklaas drinks

Hello everybody! Our december drinks are moved from December 4th to thursday the 12th! Take a break from your studying and come have a little late Sinterklaas party at our usual place. Hope to see you there!

November drinks: Friends edition

Hello everybody! Tomorrow will be our infamous thursday drinks again! This time it will be even more special since we ask you to invite your friends. Do you have a Joey or maybe even a Barney in your address book invite them for a great night at our usual Molly Malones. Hope to see y’all tomorrow! The Etcetera board

ETC merch available now!

You’re now able to order the most comfortable and awesome zip-hoodies and t-shirts! The zip-hoodies go in sizes XS-XL, though they might be a bit large on you if you’re not that tall/a girl/a not that tall girl, and are Bordeaux-red. These will cost €35,-. The t-shirts are dark-blue and come in sizes XS-XL, and will cost €20,-. The deadline to order is November 25. Go to the ‘ETC merch‘

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