WANTED: new board members 2013-2014!
Studievereniging Etcetera is looking for a new board for the academic year 2013-14!
You can apply for these jobs:
Secretary, Treasurer and Commisaris Extern: see below for the descriptions.
You can apply until the 10th of June, after which we will invite all the applicants for an interview.
Please send an motivation and your CV to studievereniging.etc@gmail.com if you are interested! You can of course email us first if you have any questions.
Secretary: The secretary takes care of facebook, twitter, email and the newsletter. You will be taking notes of the board meetings, organising the book sale, updating the list of members together with the treasurer and be active in updating and maintaining the website. You will be attending all the board meetings, be a part of making decisions regarding the association and you are obviously expected to participate in the trips, drinks and other activities, because this is what makes being part of the board as much fun as it is!
We are looking for someone who is enthusiastic about the association, precise in doing his/her task and who likes to work in a team. Knowing HTML is an advantage but not essential.
Treasurer: The most obvious aspect of your task as treasurer is taking care of the money. This means being responsible for the financial transactions, accounting and also managing the payments of members for trips and activities organised by Etcetera. You will be updating the member list with the secretary and taking care of the administrative duties surrounding trips. You will be attending all the board meetings, be a part of making decisions regarding the association and you are obviously expected to participate in the trips, drinks and other activities, because this is what makes being part of the board as much fun as it is!
We are looking for someone who is able to take on the responsibility of handling the transactions of an organisation. We’d like to see an enthusiastic person who likes to work together in a team. Some knowledge of financial administration is an advantage.
Commissaris Extern: As commissaris extern you will be maintaining contact with the UvA and other organisations. You will attend meetings of ASVA and ALPHA and at the beginning of the year one of your most important tasks will be to put together the committees for that year. Besides this you will be overseeing the organization of and participation in (study related) activities, partially together with the committees. You will be attending all the board meetings, be a part of making decisions regarding the association and you are obviously expected to participate in the trips, drinks and other activities, because this is what makes being part of the board as much fun as it is!
We are looking for someone who is enthusiastic to participate and organize a lot of great things while working in a team, to complete the board of 2013-14!