Be Our Next Secretary
The tasks of the Secretary of Etcetera can be summed up as taking minutes at meetings, setting up the book sale in collaboration with Athenaeum, and managing emails and memberships.
The Secretary takes minutes at each Board meeting, making sure that all deadlines, assignments, and contributions—especially funny quotes—are carefully noted down. All of this is done on Etcetera’s Google Drive, where you can keep track of the association’s vital documents and current memberships while also organising the structure that best suits you and other board members.
The book sale with Athenaeum at the beginning of each semester is arguably the most difficult task since it requires time and organisation, but with the help of your colleagues and our points of contact at Athenaeum, it will be over in no time. You will also serve as the point of email contact, giving you the opportunity to communicate often with professors, faculty staff, and other associations. This is a wonderful approach to establish a solid and gratifying relationship between our student body and the department.
In general, being on the board of Etcetera is a rewarding and engaging experience that is ideal for you if you want to get more involved with and active among our student body. It is a good networking opportunity and a way to grow in a friendly yet professional environment. For me, this opportunity was a priceless and helpful experience and I believe it is useful for any future carreer, so I would heartily suggest it!